
The Mind

The mind is an untapped source of power, as humans we are still in the early stages of learning what our brains can do for us.

Despite a fully grown brain being around 3lbs in weight, it is the complex control centre of who we are, how we move, respond and feel.

Over the last 50 years the advances in technology and medicine have enabled a huge leap forward in understanding our brains, how we approach neurological conditions, mental health and well being.  However we don’t often connect these advances to our everyday lives.

Perhaps you don’t realise influence and possibilities your mind has in creating a happier, healthier life. I know I don’t!

In the Mind section of this blog, I invite you to explore your brain as a living organ and a powerful tool.  I am discovering what our brains do, how we can keep them healthy and tap into their life altering capabilities.

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